Hatti Vatti ENG

A very accessible publication written in a "normal" language for all those who are just thinking about starting work on music on their home computer, as well as for those who want to compare and develop their skills using the author's experience.

Hatti Vatti

Producer, author of many solo albums and commercial commissions, member of HV / NOON and FFRANCIS.


Hatti Vatti

Producer, author of many solo albums and commercial commissions, member of HV / NOON and FFRANCIS.

Piotr Kardas

Producent muzyczny, sound designer, beat-maker oraz instrumentalista. Autor książek z serii homerecoreding oraz wideo-kursów online o produkcji muzycznej. Posiada m.in. międzynarodowy certyfikat firmy Apple z programu Logic Pro.