Piotr Rogucki ENG

An excellent book that I use myself and will be using when recording my next solo album. It is written in a very accessible, non-specialized language that is clear to everyone, yet very precise. It contains all the elements that are needed to create your own album with home methods and not only home methods, because there are also professional advice here. But what's the best thing about this book? It does not suggest equipment, it is not loaded with advertisements, it is reliable and objective, so I highly recommend it!

Piotr Rogucki

Vocalist, songwriter and songwriter. Frontman of the rock band Coma.


Piotr Rogucki

Vocalist, songwriter and songwriter. Frontman of the rock band Coma.

Piotr Kardas

Producent muzyczny, sound designer, beat-maker oraz instrumentalista. Autor książek z serii homerecoreding oraz wideo-kursów online o produkcji muzycznej. Posiada m.in. międzynarodowy certyfikat firmy Apple z programu Logic Pro.